
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Embracing the Full Weight of Loss

I read a blog by a woman, Molly Jackson, who lost her daughter when she choked on a tiny piece of apple.  Molly has started a blog called "Hope Smiling Brightly, life after loss".  I enjoy reading about her advice on how to heal after someone close to you dies. 

Molly participated in a documentary called "After the End, a Journey through loss to hope."  I saw the preview and it looks pretty great.  Here is what Molly had to say about it:

I hope you'll share his article, and more importantly, the movie, with those you know who might need it. All of us will need it at some point. We all will have to learn to embrace the full weight of loss so we can let it create a space for healing. And we will likely have to do it more than once. 

I'm so thankful for all that my loss has taught me. I'm not thankful for my loss. I'm thankful for what it has taught me. I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to be a part of this fantastic film project. I'm thankful there are people out there willing to share their stories, willing to live and love fully--not in spite of their loss, but because of their loss. I'm thankful there are people with the talents and the drive to create projects like these. I'm just so thankful to know that I am not alone. 
And I agree with Molly, sometimes all you need to be able to keep going is to know that you are not alone. 

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