
Sunday, September 2, 2012


Today I was reminded of the great blessing of eternal families. My Sunday School teacher had been missing for most of August, and no one really knew why. But today she returned with a horrible story. Her grandchild had been in a car accident, and had passed away, and she needed some time away for awhile. She was back today, and talked about how she had also lost a child when he was 14, and how hard that was for her. She proceeded telling us, threw her tears, about how she would have never ever had gotten through these trials without the knowledge of forever families. She knew that she would see her son and grandchild again. I am so glad that I also know that we'll all see Dave again, and I feel that our knowledge is what keeps us going daily. For those of you who are sealed in the temple, and who have the opportunity to walk into the Celestial room, in where the veil is lifted, I hope you take advantage of your opportunity. I can't wait until I can fully understand what the temple is, and to go and attended, and to help those who need help.
I hope you had a good sabbath
Love, Brianne


  1. I love this so much, can't wait for you go to the temple either. Truly,nothing is more important.
