
Friday, September 14, 2012

Service and the Atonement, part 3

Now that the heavy stuff is over with -- time for the fun!

We've asked people who knew David and loved him to do something to honor him. It can be an act of service, it can be a commitment to improve your own life, it can be a memory tribute to Dave for his kids . . . anything!

November is fast approaching (good news for those of us who live in Las Vegas or Phoenix, amiright?) which is the time frame we set as a target date for these acts of honor. We chose November since David's birthday is November 8 and most people need boundaries for their goals. We hope to publish your deeds on this website every day from November 8 to December 8 (David's last full day on this earth).

Some people have come to us with some great ideas - memory books, quilts, train rides, marathons, and many "pay it forward" plans. We are so excited for you to "return and report" to us some more details of what you plan to do or have already done. If you are still trying to come up with something, just know it doesn't have to be anything super stellar! Something as simple as "being a better dad" or "improving my visiting teaching attitude" will be exactly what we hoped for.

Being that we are still in the first year of grieving for David, we are often unsure of the future. But with your help in honoring him in so many ways, we look forward to the months a holidays ahead. Even though he wont be with us physically, we know he will be with us in spirit. May we always remember his kind eyes and smile as we come in contact with others around us in our lives.

Love to you all, Liz and family

p.s. as you can imagine, we treasure any new pictures of David that we havent seen. If you have ANY pictures of/with him, please send them to us - even if you think we may have it, send it anyways!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your testimony of service and the atonement with us Liz! I look forward to hearing about the ways David's life and death have impacted others.
