
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A new runner in the family. . . from Maisie

At the beginning of this year, I wanted to do a sport, something HARD, something CHALLENGING. So I did something CRAZY and did cross country. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! I would go and run for an hour and half after school every day down on our junky track for three months. I learned how to pace myself, control my muscles and how to breathe patiently. My dad told me that David did cross country. So I dedicated the season in honor of him because it was something he did and I wanted to be like him. 

On the first day of try outs, I was really nervous and scared I wouldn't make it. I had to run 2 miles in 17minutes and 30 seconds. I had 2 chances, once on the first day of school and again the next week. On the first try, I ran all out and only made it 3 laps, I told my coach that I couldn't do it and that I would try again next week. He let me go, but I felt like a failure. I didn't know what was wrong with me! I just gave up. I went and sat in a corner while the rest of the people tryed out. As I watched each one of them cross the finish line I just remained silent. I was thinking, “I WILL make it next week. I WILL make it next week!” I went home sad and depressed. But I was confident I would make it next week.

The rest of the week the coach let me come and practice with the team. I tried and tried to catch up witheveryone else, but I was too slow and too out of shape. I kept putting myself down saying "I'm only a freshman" or " I can't do this" or "I'm soooooooo slow" or "I NEED WATER!!!" And I just kept on getting slower and slower as I would run, but I kept pushing harder and harder.

The next tryout came, and I was ready. I had run every day after the last tryouts and felt confident that Iwould make it. I tried and tried. The cut off time was 17:30, I ran 8 laps(2 miles) in 17:45. I was 15 seconds late, and devastated. I tried to control my tears, but they came flowing down anyway. I went home again sad and depressed.

The coach is also my first period Spanish teacher, so I was kinda scared to go to class and talk to him aboutmaybe letting me on the team because I was only 15 seconds off the cut off time. But to my surprise, he wanted to talk to me after class anyway. I was ecstatic! He called me over to his desk and asked me if I wanted to be on the team because they needed 7 girls and only 6 of the girls made the time of 17:30, and because I was only 15 seconds off. I said yes and thanked him and went about my day with a smile on my face :) it was truly a miracle. I knew David was pulling some strings up there, helping my coach decide to let me on the team.

In about the 5th week of the season, I had my first race. I was so nervous and scared that I thought I wasgoing to throw up and die, but I didn't, I had a small amount of confidence growing in me from the thought of doing this for David. The race was 3 miles long, and I ran it in 29 minutes. Not my best time, but it was my first race and I wasn't last. So in my mind I did good.

I kept training and then came my next race at the hardest course on the island. It's the hardest because ithas this monster hill that we have to run up 2 separate times. I ran that race in 29 minutes also even though it was a harder track. During the whole season I thought of David and his accomplishments. I thought of him during my races and during my practices. I also thought of him whenever I thought of falling onto the ground. The thought of him made me carry on and keep running especially during my sprints. I also thought of things that made me happy while I ran, like my family and friends. One thing that really kept me running was the thought of ice cold water at the finish line. 
Ahhhhhhhh. That made me so hopeful :) I remember during one practice, I thought "if I were to die right now, and have a final wish, I would wish for ice water and I would die happy”. I was so desperate that I sprinted my last mile and gulped down a little less than a gallon of water. It was so refreshing and I was so happy.

I'm so grateful for my uncle David and his example he set for me to do cross country. He is such anincredible inspiration and I love him. At my last race, I finished 24 minutes which was my fastest time. From 29 to 24 in 3 months, I am so proud of myself.

Maisie Kenney


  1. I am so proud of Maisie, she worked very hard. She also started doing JV Soccer and was invited yesterday to do Varsity because she always gives 100%.

    She also had a friend doing XCountry but from a different school. Her friend told me that during a race she started walking and Maisie ran up from behind her grabbed her hand and encouraged her to keep running. She said Maisie helped her so much. Pretty awesome considering they were rival schools. :) Love that girl.

  2. Way to go Maisie! This is so amazing, running and I never could quite get along, maybe one day. :)
