
Friday, February 24, 2012

"I'm So Glad I Said 'Yes'"

I'm So Glad I Said "Yes"
by Jimae Kenney

I'm glad I said yes to warm snuggly fleece instead of cold funeral crepe.
I'm glad I said yes to the best flowers money could buy for my very own piece of mind.
I'm glad I said yes when asked to babysit so they could go to a movie - for how was I to know it would be my very last chance to do something just for him.
I'm glad I said yes when he wanted to have his own Thanksgiving in his own home, even though it meant he wouldn't be at mine.
I'm glad I said yes to the family event of going to see the hot air balloons and staying with cousins in Tahoe.
I'm glad I said yes to spending this past spring break at Disney World with him, and his kids and wife.
I'm glad I said yes when he wanted to create a European facade in my new home. And even further when he wanted to add another level down for a secret hidden room.
I'm glad I said yes when he wanted to spend his Christmas vacation in Mexico. And then he brought home his news of a love that eventually became eternal.
I'm glad I said yes when he wanted to build a real castle with moat and towers, even though it turned his father gray.
I'm glad I said yes to the many Lego sets he simply had to have - to be able to create objects and worlds known only to him.
I'm glad I said yes to the matching sailor suit and dress for my two little darlings, closest in age, when I thought I was playing with real live dolls.
I'm glad I said yes to taking the time to hold and rock him and sing Baby Mine, even though the other four were in need of attention, too.
And, I'm especially glad that I said yes, when in early 1979 the testing strip turned blue.


  1. I bawl when I get to the end. Knowing she will lose her boy she is rocking and singing to. A mother and child relationship is so special - we do it all in spite of the risk of losing them early. Thankfully, Heavenly Father has given us The Plan of Happiness to bring us hope and eternal joy. I love you mom...

  2. Mom, you are such an amazing mother to each of us. We are so blessed to have you and we are so thankful everytime you say "yes" to all of our crazy ideas.

    It's been interesting for me to watch Tyler and Lindsay interact these past few weeks and see them as a big sister and little brother that play just like David and I did. I get overwhelmed at the thought of losing Tyler way to soon like mom lost David.

    I'm so grateful that we can still feel his love.

  3. I'm so glad you said yes too grandma! :) I love you!

  4. Every time my kids want something I think of you. It's so easy for me to say no out of laziness, but you taught me to think before saying anything. I clearly remember you saying why not, and me saying I don't know. Okay yes it is.
