
Saturday, November 17, 2012

33 Random Acts of Kindness

Dear David,

Yesterday we celebrated your birthday in such a wonderful way!  Since you were one of the most self-less people I've ever known, I wanted to do something for others in your memory.  We came up with a list of 33 random acts of kindness (since it would have been your 33rd birthday).  Luckily, I had some help!

Helper #1  Aunt Ann
She did a full morning of service in your name and met up with us later.  Here is what she got done in the morning:
2.Toys for Tots
3.  Gave some money to a homeless person on corner
4.  Took supplies to the Road Home homeless shelter 
5.  Returned shopping carts @ Costco
6.  Hurricane Sandy - American Red Cross
"For the last week as I have been anticipating David's birthday, I have been much more aware of "kindness" while driving.  I must admit it's easier for me now that I'm not so stressed, but it's always good to remember and practice."

Helpers #2  The Whipples
7.  They took a card and treat to a sick little girl in their neighborhood.

8.  They took a Thank you card and treat to the Firemen in their area.

Helpers #3  Cristina and family
9.  Treat and card to the first responders at the scene of David's accident.  They seemed to remember the accident.

10.  Treat and card to Firestation in their area.

Here's how the rest of your birthday went:

Spencer, Libby, Jacob and I got into the car around 9am.  Our first stop was our mailbox to leave a card and treat for our wonderful mail-lady Margie.  (She remembered us after we moved back into our house three years later!)   That's #11.

Next, we drove to Walmart where:

12.  We helped a few people unload groceries (they were grateful)
13.  We washed some windows and headlights
This one turned out to be pretty fun.  At first I was worried that we'd set off someone's car alarm, so I told the kids to pick older cars.  Soon we moved on to any car that looked like it's windows could use some cleaning.  Next to the van you see in this picture was a van with kids waiting for their mom.  We started their windows, and mom showed up before we were finished!  She was really kind and asked about what we were doing.  When I explained to her our plan, she loved it and said she might duplicate it for her father's birthday who passed away this year!  That felt great!  We had a guy walk past us and say, "Hey, you can do the Ford Focus down there!"  so we did.  Towards the end we were working on a car, and sure enough the owner cautiously walked towards us with a worried look on his face.  When I told him what we were up to, he relaxed and thanked us.  Spencer said this was his favorite service of the day.

14.  We picked up trash around the parking lot
15. Next we drove to Deseret Industries and donated some clothes and toys.
16.  While at D.I.  I bought 4 glass vases to give flowers to residents of the Care center later in the day.  I also looked around for someone who looked like they could use some extra cash.  I had bought a gift card to Walmart, but wanted to give it to someone who could really use it.  It took awhile to find someone who wasn't dressed like they bought their clothes this year.  When I finally found a woman who looked like she could use the help, I approached her with the card and the handout (see below).  I explained what we were doing and asked her if I could give her the gift card.  She was very kind and thankful.  Alex (who had met up with us there) thought maybe she looked a little too rough, like maybe the money would not be used to pay for food or a new dress, but whatever she chooses I'm glad we could make her life a little easier.
This is the card we gave to almost everyone we served that day:

17.  Next, we went to the local laundromat.  We taped some baggies of change to the machines for someone to get a free load or two.

18.  We went to Costco to buy some flowers for later on in the day.  When I opened the back of the car two of the four vases I'd bought at DI rolled out and smashed all over the ground.  Alex and Rick did a service for me and all other drivers in the Costco parking lot by cleaning up the broken glass!
19.  At Costco we bought flowers and then left diapers and wipes in the changing table.  (We did this at Walmart as well).
20.  We bought a gift card at Costco and Alex handed it to a guy in the gas that was a nice surprise!

21.  While at Walmart, DI and Costco the kids kept their pockets full of Tootsie-pops and handed them to children they'd see at the stores.  I loved seeing their little faces light up with the thought of a sucker!

22.  We stopped at the Police Station to drop off some doughnuts and a thank you card.

23.  Next, we met up with Cris, Wes and family.  We took the kids to the dollar store and gave them each a dollar.  
We told them to hide the dollars among the toys at the store.  It was a little hard for Jassie to understand that she wasn't buying a toy for herself, but she quickly realized what we were doing and hid her own dollar in the bubbles. 

24.  Our next stop was downtown SLC where we met up with the Whipples.  We stopped at McDonalds to buy two bags of cheesburgers to hand out to the homeless and we also wanted to pay for the order behind us.  I thought "how great!  Someone will get a free lunch!"  It turned out to be a free Coke.  Haha!  So my big plans turned into a small drink, but the lady was really nice and thanked us!
25.  At this point we split into two groups.  Alex, Wes, Cris, Spencer and Alyssa went to the park to hand out McDonald's cheeseburgers and hand-warmers to the homeless.

26.  Laura and I took the younger kids to Temple Square where we saw this man outside the temple gates asking for help.

Laura (who is always prepared) happened to have a plate of cookies we offered to this gentleman.  He was very happy about it and friendly.  Then she got brave and asked if he'd take a picture for our blog (not sure if he knew what a blog is) but he said yes.  The kids were a little afraid of him.  He said, "come on kids, just think of me as Santa Claus!"  This was one of the highlights of the day for me.  So often I pass pan-handlers and don't even look them in the eye because I don't want to give them money and "encourage" their behavior.  This man seemed genuinely happy to receive our cookies and even more pleased with conversation and seeing all of those cute kids.  I need to remember that we are all children of God.

27.  We took the kids in to Temple Square but didn't find a lot to do.  We did pick up maybe two small pieces of trash, gave a sucker to this little girl, and left some change on the payphone there.  We had hoped to feed the parking meters too, but I guess they've all switched to credit cards!

Then we made a special trip up to the Christus statue where I tried to stop them from running, jumping on the benches and yelling to hear the echo from the domed roof.

28.  The next service was a favorite for most of the kids.  We stopped at a park playground.  I gave them each some change.  We sang "Happy Birthday" to you and then tossed the coins all over the playground.  I smile to myself as I think of future children getting there and finding all this money! 

29.   The next stop was the hardest.  We met up with Mom, Aunt Ann and the group that was handing out things for the homeless at the hospital where you died.  There were some sad memories for us all there.  Going into the lobby next to the intensive care brought back a flood of  memories of those awful days.  We saw the tiny room where everyone was given the bad news and mom and Cris were allowed back to see the room you had been in.  This was not easy to do, but seeing Cris so strong there with Wes made me realized how thankful I am that she's been blessed and comforted through all of this.  We spoke with the social worker who had helped us through those dark days.  We gave her a vase of roses and a thank you card for the staff of that floor.  
30.  We also left coloring books and crayons in the waiting room.  Maybe some young children who aren't allowed behind those awful doors will have something to do while waiting.

After leaving the hospital we went to your grave.  We will blog more about that celebration in another post.

31.  We went to the care-center where Grandma Bodell lived before she died.  Remember how you drove the train around for the family party there a year and a half ago?  We took Grandpa with us and sang some primary songs for the residents having dinner.  We had all made hand-made "Have a nice day" cards that we handed out along with the rest of our flowers.  

32.  We ended your birthday celebration at Black Bear Family Restaurant.
We enjoyed being together, just like you would have wanted us to.  We bought dinner for the gentleman and his son that sat at the table next to us.

33.  To end the evening, we thanked our server (who handled our table of 22 people alone!) with a thank-you card and a box of cookies.  (Why didn't I get a picture of this sweet guy?!)  He told us he'd had a pretty rotten week, and that we had brightened his day!  

So, as you can see Dave, we really celebrated your day to the max!  We thought of you and felt you with us throughout the whole day.  We are so lucky to have had your self-less example for the years we did.  We will try to pass that legacy on.



  1. Wow what a great day that must have been! Good Job guys!

  2. Hard day! But glad we did it. Love you david. Cristina

  3. I'm so sad I missed it! But it looks like an amazing success!

  4. You are all such wonderful examples, Kenneys and Pattersons. Brings tears to my eyes! Love all of you.
