
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Book of Memories... from Julia

Memories are so important to me.  I try to keep a journal and I know I take way too many photos. I guess my hope is that throughout the years to come I can look back at what I've done, where I've been, and remember those people and experiences that have made this life beautiful.

Currently, however, I am working on a different kind of journal.  One not for myself. I remember the weekend of David's funeral. I remember people asking, "What can we do for your family" but then realizing there is really nothing that could take away the awful pain and heartache. David's sisters asked for people to write down some favorite moments with him, and I'm sure a hundred different memories of growing up with David came to my mind.  I tried to record just a few of them before I let any more time pass, but I, like everyone else, found it difficult to put thoughts into words. Words just don't do justice for someone like Dave.  

Well, after talking with Laura a bit during a recent trip to Utah, she expressed how much the family would still love to preserve as many memories of David as possible. I agreed this project was a must. I took on the challenge of compiling memories for David's book.

I tell you, contacting and hearing back from everyone is no small task!  He has so many life-long friends, coworkers, mission companions, and family members that I know would love to participate.  I've collected entries from many... but am still waiting for MANY more. I continue to push back the "due date"... mostly because I know this book will not be complete without certain people who knew David best.

A work in progress.
If you are reading this post, and haven't submitted an entry for this book yet, please DO!  I know this is the busiest time of year, but this is an important gift of service for David's family.  As Laura said, "Something is always better than nothing."  So it can be short and simple or as detailed as you'd like.

Here are a few writing prompts...
What is your favorite memory with David?
What have you learned from his example?
What would you like his children to know about him?
David lived a life full of gratitude. At this Thanksgiving season, what are you most thankful for, and how can you show that gratitude more fully each day?}

How wonderful it will be for his two young children to get to read these memories someday and see how many lives David had influenced for good.  How wonderful it will be for his family to remember his optimism, goofiness, creativity, and charity. 

We love you, David, and miss you.  You've touched more lives than you may ever know.

Love, Julia

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful you are putting in all the work to do this for us. THANK YOU! ( and I promise to get mine to you tomorrow!!)
