
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Birthday David! from Laura

Happy happy birthday little brother.  This year, in so many ways, has been the hardest of my entire life.  But, at the same time, I cannot deny that I have learned lessons from your life and your death that have changed me for the better. 

When we decided to do some act of service in your name, the first thing that popped into my head was how I wanted to be better at serving in the Lord’s Temple.  I made it my goal to go every month this year.  Sometimes it feels like a selfish goal because I have received many blessings by giving of my time to do temple work for those in the spirit world that cannot do it for themselves. 

Many of the months Mom and I have gone together.  It’s been so nice to sit with her in peace and quiet.  Of course we don’t talk much, but we gain strength from each other.  Sometimes other family members have been able to join me, or I go by myself.

I want you to know that I have a testimony of temple service.  I am so thankful to live close enough to so many temples.  I have been blessed to feel you close most of the time that I am there.  I know this work is so very important to you, maybe that’s why I made it my goal. 

Last month was our Stake RS Temple day, and we were blessed to hear from one of the matrons of the Salt Lake Temple.  She read us the following quote from John A. Widtsoe:

“Spiritual power is generated within temple walls and sent out to bless the world. Light from the house of the Lord illuminates every home within the Church fitted for its reception by participation in temple privileges. The path from the temple to the home of man is divinely brilliant. Every home penetrated by the temple spirit enlightens, and comforts every member of the household. The peace we covet is found in such homes.

Indeed, when temples are on earth, the whole world shares measurably in the issuing light; when absent, the hearts of men become heavy, as if they said, with the people of Enoch's day, 'Zion is fled' (See Moses 7:69).”

I love envisioning the “path from the temple to the home” being divinely brilliant.  I know my family has been blessed by my attending the temple more often.  I feel like we have been blessed with more light and understanding to our little hiccups and trials of life. 

I’ve loved the scripture Doctrine and Covenants 101:16 ever since you whispered it to my heart last December.  

“Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.”

I’ve tried to remember this commandment and take time to just be still.  When I quiet my heart and mind, it is easier to focus on what is most important.  This is easier to do when I return to the temple often. 

Last spring I made a little necklace to remind me of how important it is to Be Still.  I wear it most days, along with a pearl from Grandma Bodell.  It helps me feel a bit closer to both of you. 

Another of the service projects I did in your name was to compile a book of our experiences as a family relating to your death.  It was a hard thing for all of us to think about, but we knew that we had all experienced sacred things and felt of our Savior's love throughout this year.  Everyone contributed and I pulled the journal entries and testimonies into this book for our family to reflect on whenever we are missing you. 

I am so grateful for all the lessons you are teaching me as I work hard to become more like you until the day when we can be together again.   I miss you so much.
All my love,


1 comment:

  1. We are all grateful for the example and the closeness that Laura has felt to David this past year. It helps us know that the other side is very close. Thank you Laura for living so you can be an example to us, just as David was.
