
Friday, November 9, 2012

You and I, love mom

Mom wrote this for David. Her birthday is today (Nov.9).

You and I

When first I learned I was expecting
(In those days it wasn't so planned)
I worried about attention
Should you and your siblings demand.
But once you were born and I held you
I really didn't care -
I knew you were very special
You were our baby brother to share .

Love didn't seem to be a problem
There was plenty to go around
You won everyone's heart, right from the start
You were our precious baby brother.
The thing you did the very best
From the very beginning 'till the end
Was snuggle and give the best of hugs
To one and all and especially me, your mother.

Oh, how you loved the show, Dumbo
You were the first of the video generation.
Over and over, again and again –
Casey Jr. and his circus train.
The family wishing for cessation.
Fast forward for flying pink elephants
Mom, they really are too scawe!
But will you sit by me and rock me
And sing Baby Mine was your query.

Later in life your pet “hobby”
One of many I might mention if time.
You and your Grandpa together
Continued to create and enjoy
Your very own...Casey Jr. Circus train.
And on Tuesday night in the neighborhood
The children would anxiously wait
For the signal and whistle and smoke to start
An undertaking straight from your heart.

Our birthdays are a day apart.
For me that always had meaning.
For 32 years we celebrated together
Each year recognizing each other.
This year, this week - I'm all alone,
You aren't here to share.
The cake, the gifts, the memories
That as family we hold dear.
Today, I sit here at your side, under a sky of blue,
With majestic mountains reaching up and fountains tinkling true.
And I remember now, the thing
That as parents we've always known.
Though we tend to resist the knowledge
A knowledge that shows we've grown.
The simple fact that you were not mine to keep
But rather a wonderful loan....

It's been a long year, but now I feel
That wisdom has come with time.
I'm finally able to say “Thank you, God,
For letting him be mine.”
For the privilege of being his mother on earth.
For the lessons he taught me as well
For the example of learning, service and work
For the near perfect son to tell.

You were always so special to all of us
To your siblings, cousins, and friends
To grand-parents, teachers and neighbors
The list doesn't seem to end.
But to all of us the thing we'll remember
Is how you liked “us” best
And wanted to spend as much time with each
Never seeming to need a rest.

I wonder at times if perhaps you knew
That your time on this earth was short.
And that you had to make the best use of it
There were so many things to be learned -
To experience and to have and to hold
An eternal partner and wife.
Then a son and a daughter of your own
It seemed you had the perfect life.

But then it ended in tragedy
Leaving the rest of us to grieve,
And so now we hold on to the legacy
Heavenly Father allowed you to leave.


  1. This is so beautiful Mom. We are all so grateful for the example you and Dad have shown to us on getting through the hardest year of our lives. Love you and Happy Birthday!

  2. tear soup. Happy Birthday Mom. We love you so much.

  3. made me tear up. It's beautiful.

  4. Oh how I wish I could give you a Happy Birthday hug Aunt Jimae! We love you and miss you so much!
