
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Honoring David, from Lani

The way I honored David this year-

I have been hesitant on writing anything because I worry it may be misunderstood- but for me- it is one of the most spiritual and perfect examples I have had to testify that Heavenly Father has a Plan and knows each of us. Please be sensitive to how sacred this is to me and my husband.

I remember being wheeled from the hospital in March 2011 after having my 2nd baby Hadley. My husband was unemployed. We were living with my in-laws. We were so grateful to have this new princess in our lives- but were worried about how to provide for the future of our little family. It was then that I received the clearest prompting I had ever had. “Enjoy this time- you have til December till it is time to start trying for another baby in your family.” It was too clear to laugh at, until I thought about telling my husband! Yes, he did laugh and said, “you are crazy, but if you really feel it was a prompting, we will see.”

December came and my husband was employed but our family was still struggling to make ends meet. We were preparing for our smallest Christmas yet and worried how we were going to pay bills at the end of the month. But that prompting came back- “It is time for me to send you another angel”.

David passed and I flew out to be by Cris’ side for the week of the funeral. Plans of having a baby that month were not going to work out so it seemed. There were nights while I was in Utah where it was too difficult to call my sweetheart because we were so busy or because I simply felt too guilty calling my husband with Cris because she couldn’t call hers.

That was the hardest week of my life. I would fall asleep holding Cris’ hand wondering what I would do without my sweetheart. Wondering why I was so lucky. And pondering how short life was.

The time came to fly home to my 2 kids and sweet husband. Thoughts of money troubles seemed so important a week prior- but irrelevant now. Life now seemed too fragile to worry about such worldly things. We wanted to make the most of every moment we had together. All we really needed for Christmas was each other. I walked out of the airport to see my sweetheart and we held each other like it had been months. We were both a little teary eyed as we individually thought of the great blessing it was to have each other. I walked into my home and felt a warmth to be home and see my kids. I tried to get focused on real life again and those feelings of worry of monetary needs started to creep back in my mind.

I had been home an hour when there was a knock at the door. It was a counselor from my bishopric. He handed me an anonymous check. He said that someone from the ward had asked him to deliver it and wished to remain anonymous. I walked up the stairs with tears in my eyes as I reflected on the great power of the Lord to know our needs and send angels with gentle reminders when needed. I sat down at our dining room table and again… there was a knock at the door.

This time no one was there when I opened it. Instead it was a jar sitting on our doorstep overflowing with coins and bills. We still don’t know who they came from. The tears continued from the emotional week and the very frank reminder to have faith in our Savior and His plan.

9 months later we welcomed our sweet son, Andrew James Hock or AJ as we call him (I always loved when Aunt Dixie called David DJ so thanks to David and DixieJ). He is named James after two of my great heroes- David and Grandpa Bodell.

Sometimes as I hold my newborn AJ, and I rock him back to sleep in the wee hours of the night, I look at his sweet innocent smile and it somehow reminds me of David and I feel him near. Thank you David for helping us heed a prompting and reminding us that the Lord will provide and he has a plan for us.

David, I love you. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father knew I would need you as an example in this life. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love as a cousin, example, and friend. I love you and know that it’ll be ok. I’ll try to check in on your sweetheart from time to time. She is strong! I know it. I’ve seen it. Til we meet again….


  1. What a beautiful story. I feel that giving ourselves to these beautiful babies is the most rewarding, yet hardest sacrifice we can make. And Andrew is also a most excellent name. :)

  2. I love this so much Lani! I will be forever grateful for your help and support that most awful week last December. I'm so glad you have such a beautiful family.
